
Iwate University Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences is a four-year doctoral (veterinary medicine) program launched in April 2018.


Course Field Position Name Research Focus
Veterinary Basic Sciences Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry Professor Yoshio YAMAMOTO Anatomy and physiology of sensory receptors and autonomic nervous system
Associate Professor Nobuaki NAKAMUTA Anatomy of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs
Professor Keiichiro KIZAKI Molecular and cellular physiology of feto-maternal interaction
Associate Professor Misuzu YAMADA Animal homeostatic mechanisms in environmental changes
Pathology, Toxicology and Laboratory Animal Science Professor Kenji OCHIAI Pathological analysis of animal diseases with unknown causes
Professor Hiroshi SATOH Mechanisms of
chemically-induced toxicity
Professor Tatsuya FURUICHI Establishment of animal models for investigating disease-causing mechanisms
Veterinary Health Sciences Animal Health Professor Kenji MURAKAMI Mechanism of viral pathogenesis and infectious disease control
Associate Professor Shinji YAMADA Prevention and diagnosis of viral infection
Professor Takehisa YAMAMOTO ☆ Analysis of animal infection, surveillance, and quarantine measures
Veterinary Public Health Professor Itaru SATO Radiation protection against internal exposure
Veterinary Clinical Sciences Farm Animal Medicine Professor Toru TAKAHASHI Diagnosis/treatment/prevention of reproductive disorders in domestic animals
Professor Toshihiro ICHIJO Herd management and disease control
Professor Yoshinori KASASHIMA ☆☆ Research on regenerative medicine for tendon and ligament injury of horse
Companion Animal Medicine Professor Masahiro YAMASAKI Diagnostic and therapeutic methods for internal diseases, especially hematological diseases in companion animals
Professor Masaaki KATAYAMA Pathophysiology and surgical therapeutics of organ transplantation in small animals
Associate Professor Yuki HOSHINO Novel therapeutic approaches to surgical and neoplastic diseases in companion animals

☆ Unit leader at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization National Institute of Animal Health
☆☆ Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association